Product Summary
The FloClear LS was recently unveiled at Graph Expo 2008 to introduce operators of any 20″ press up to a 5-color 29″ press (must have a central dampening unit) that they too can now have the FloClear experience and continuously run with fountain solution that is much more consistent on a daily basis rather than it being a variable. The FloClear LS is designed in the same manner as the original FloClear maintaining the three unique and different stages of filtration. As you can see it also has a much smaller footprint in size (24″ W x 24″ D) and is on casters so that it is very easy for the unit to be placed both with a new press installation as well as for a retrofit application. Also, we felt that putting the components in a cabinet would be much more aesthetically pleasing to the buyer, but that having it such that the entire housing vessels situated on a pull-out shelf for easy serviceability would also please the operators when one or all of the filters required changing. The three pressure gauges for each vessel are situated on the pull-out try and easily identified with labels.
The FloClear LS is also designed to make sure that the operation of the pump is protected for both Hi Pressure and Low Flow suction. The unit is equipped such that the will no longer operate and the beacon will flash thereby alerting the operator that the unit is no longer operational.
Although this is the least expensive model that FloClear offers, we did not want to sacrifice some of the features that we have been told make our units as successful and operational friendly in the field. To that, if you have a 20″ or smaller 29″ press and want to reduce your chemistry usage, reduce your usage of water to create RO water, reduce the amount of waste you are having hauled, want consistency with your fountain solution and limit the amount of time spent troubleshooting, then you need look no further than the FloClear LS. The model comes standard in 120V/Hz, but can also be bought to meet the European specification of 230V/50Hz. Please inquire with us or with you local dealer to get more information. Currently the unit only comes in 1 color.